Runs in public cloud
We use cloud platform
and region near you
Unlimited browsers
Grows and shrinks
according to your needs
Multiple frameworks
Selenium, Playwright,
Puppeteer and Cypress
Pay for real usage
Monthly cost depends
on your real usage
Moon Cloud pricing model differs from traditional browser automation platforms. There is no limit of how many browsers you can run in parallel and no limit of browser automation minutes. At the end of each month you pay regular cloud platform bill plus a fixed commission of 25% for cluster maintenance. Cloud platform bill consists of two main parts: permanent part and usage-based part. Permanent part is what you pay anyway, even if no browsers are being used. This part includes cost of Moon Cloud components that are running all the time: Kubernetes computing resources for Moon software and monitoring, NAT instance and network load balancer. Usage-based part is the cost of computing resources for browsers that you run. Below you can get an idea of approximate monthly Moon Cloud cost:
In the calculator above you can change 3 parameters: number of browsers running in parallel, how much time you expect to run all your tests every day and how long an average test runs. The first two parameters determine monthly infrastructure cost. In this calculator we assume that tests are being run 5 days per week (21 days per month) in the US East region. In other cloud regions final cluster cost can change because the same computing resources have different cost there. Note that monthly cost is not zero even if you don't run your tests at all (automation hours per day is 0). This is because of the permanent part of the infrastructure described above. Average test duration allows to estimate possible number of tests you can run per day with selected number of parallel browsers and daily usage duration. If you are not sure about your possible usage - request a free trial using the form at the top of the page or contact us: moon-cloud [at]